Spring is here! Naturally, the robins were the harbingers, the early birds, so to speak.
A few days ago, on the first warmish sunny day in a long time, I went out to the garden and saw the first bumblebee of the season. I grabbed my camera, which I’d brought out with me, but by the time I got close enough to focus, the bee shot up from the dandelion and zoomed across the garden and into the woods.
Camera shy, I guess.

While weeding one of my raised beds, I found a tiny toad, less than an inch long. I welcomed him to the garden, named him Teddy, but confessed that in the future, I wouldn’t be able to distinguish him from others of his kind. He didn’t zoom away, but sat stock still, blending effectively with the garden soil. He was also apparently unaware of the ant on his head.

I also saw the first asparagus spears of the season, a volunteer pansy, and new blooms on some of my azaleas. A hummingbird, a loner like that first bumblebee, buzzed past too quickly me to try to photograph.
Now, there are lots bumblebees in the yard, and every morning I listen to robins, cardinals, mourning doves, Eastern Phoebes, and catbirds.

Ah, spring. You took forever to make an appearance and, frankly, winter was a beast this year.
I’m so very glad to see you.

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