One thing about having a labradoodle (or perhaps a Standard poodle, we’re not sure) is that you get two dogs for the price of one. Overnight Shadow goes from teddy bear to greyhound, from cuddly. . .

to this crow-like. . .

All it takes is a simple (but not cheap) trip to the groomer’s.

My spouse prefers the shaggy version. But he doesn’t usually do the floors. And even he admits that when Shadow’s hair is long, he becomes a vector for leaf transference. As well as dirt, grass, burrs, and everything else his sticky coat touches.

So now that spring has finally inched it way to the mountain, we took Shadow to the groomer. And we’re sure we came home with the same dog.
Well, pretty sure. . .
He’s beautiful (handsome?) both ways, but I actually like the lean and sleek trimmed look, more! Quite the transformation, anyway. 🙂
Thanks, Suzanne! I prefer the lean, sleek look, not the least because it’s so much easier to keep burr free and clean! When his hair is really long, it takes on the qualities of Velcro and super glue!
Sue, that was funny…”Shadow and his leaf friends”!!! You have a point. I love the shaggy look, but i would have to do the same….clip poor Shadow from his “real look”.
I’m loving Bed Bugged!!! This character of a dog that is trained to use his sensitive “sniffer”, sniffs out more lots more than bedbugs!!! I found myself liking him right away. He’s is kind, appreciative of any love he gets, has a GREAT sense of humor and is very, very wise. He is also REALLY observant. His dialogue surprises all the time. It’s magical, really, and well, even has a whimsical feeling. The “meanies” are just the right level of mean, the villains are just the right level of villainous. (I’m a rather wimpy mystery reader/watcher)…so all the more “thanks” for writing this great series, as you have. I have two books and will get the third, NO DOUBT!.
Thanks, Linda. I’m delighted you like Doodle and really appreciate all the good things you said! I’m a wimp, too, when it comes to violence in books and films.